An account must be established before creating a new quote. To create a new account, see Create a New Account.
To create a quote, access the policy window using one of these methods:
· After creating a new account, on the lower tool bar, click New Quote. From the Select Product dialog box, click Commercial Auto.
· Access
an account from search results or the Recent Accounts pane. Pause
on the action menu and click ‘Create a new quote’.
From the Select Product dialog box, click Commercial Auto.
The Quicksolver Auto product offers the ability to create and issue Business Auto, Auto Dealers, and Motor Carrier policies.
All policies begin with completing the Commercial Auto Policy Information screen.
On the Policy Coverages screen, the Risk Type is selected. This selection populates the menus shown in the Policy Navigation area. The menu selections for the Policy Menu are consistent for all three risk types. The Commercial Auto and Misc. menus, which populate upon selection of the risk type, differ. At the leave of the Policy Coverages screen, the Risk Type is locked down and may not be changed.