In the Commercial Auto menu, click Dealers screen.
Select the applicable dealers class code from the list.
Enter the number of employees by class in the fields provided.
In the Global Coverages block, enter Commercial Automobile coverages applicable by state. A global screen is automatically created for each state that was entered on the Locations screen. To go between states, click either the search arrow for a list, or the small arrow to the left of search to view states sequentially. An Add button allows you to add additional states if needed. Liability reflects the global limit selected on the Policy Coverages screen and are read only.
For each coverage selected complete the required fields in the dialog box as well as entering a symbol or symbols and click OK. This data will transfer to the Covered auto level based on vehicle type.
To delete a coverage, pause on the
coverage action menu and click Delete.
Enter Additional Interest information if applicable. Multiple additional interests may be entered.
Proceed to the Covered Autos screen.